Apr 29, 2011

Random Musings

Have you ever wondered why we are here? Whether our existence serves a purpose and if so, what purpose? Most of us are too caught up in our fast paced lives to ever give this much thought.

Our existence has become something defined by politics, economics and discoveries made in labs; and then our need for an orderly world & reassuring beliefs does not allow much space for such thinking.

Also why does everything constructive and destructive strike a balance? (The eternal battle between the good and the evil) Why is there a Ram for every Ravana? Why is there a Bush for every Osama?

I've often looked up at the night sky and have always felt a sense of awe, which overwhelms me. For when we see the stars, we are actually looking at our past. As the light from the stars takes millions of years to reach us-we see them, as they were millions of years ago!!

Everything: each grain of sand, each leaf, each butterfly & everyday-fits into the sort of giant jigsaw.

Neither religion nor science can explain why the first ever DNA came into being. And if there was a Big Bang-why was it there and what was there before it? What exactly is space and what exists beyond the universe? The trouble with science is that it only explains how-it always fails to explain why?

What will happen when I die? Is death the final frontier to the odyssey we call "Life"? Will all my questions about the unknown be answered? Will I know the truth?

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. True, isn't it?" I find it difficult to believe in life after death or that there is just blackness after death.

In conclusion (or is it?) I would like to quote words from an Australian aboriginal chant:

"I've come to see the light ... 
I've come to feel its warmth .... 
Though the air, that covers my skin 
Is pulling me closer to the real reason 
Why I'm here ... breathing" 

And the question goes on ...
(Why do I think the way I do?) 

Akash Sharma
Batch 2006

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