Apr 30, 2011

Work Is Worship

"We must work not only to civilize the world, not to smooth the face of society, not to spread knowledge, not to cultivate the reason, not to turn the whole earth into heaven, but to bring down a heaven upon earth.
- Cardinal Newman 

"Work is worship" is one of those precepts which have been embodied in every religion, culture and civilization of the world. Gandhiji, light heartedly observed "God created men to work for his food" and said "Those who are without work are thieves."

Nations become great when their manpower is fully and suitably employed without work, life is not worth living. All the great men had a special value. For them all sorts of work were of equal importance. It is only by their sheer acceptance and the value they placed on work that they were able to rise and soar high in their ventures.

Vivekananda said, "Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the highest form of worship of God. Everyone has a job to accomplish with dignity. This division of labour is for the proper functioning. Moreover, we should keep in mind that everyone is not capable of doing all sorts of work. God created each one in a unique way and gave unique talents and abilities to everyone, some are good administrators while others are good engineers or doctors or good servants.

To sum it up, I would like to quote the following poem:

"Work, for the Knight is coming, 
work through the sunny noon, 
Fill the brightest hours with 
labour best comes sure and soon. 
Give every flying minute, 
something to keep in store, 
Work for the night is coming 
when man works no more" 
Dr. (Mrs.) A. Gehlot 
Associate Professor 
Deptt. of Pharmacology

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