From the Desk

Dear Readers,

A decade has transpired. The seeds of creativity, so inherently sown into our hearts have flourished into tiny plants and now bear the fruits…                   
of puns & phrases; 
of humor & hysteria; 
of poses & portrays; 
of fantasia & memorabilia.

The flame has erupted into the fire and has led to the revival of the age-old tradition of ours, the rise of the mighty-magical-healer ‘Phoenix’ from the huge pile of  collection of 'literary' ashes. It has led to the re-embodiment of our College Magazine. It is, indeed no less than a magic that a dream our seniors visualized, is metamorphosing into a reality.

It gives us immense satisfaction to come out with this in-house journal under the prestigious name of our beloved institution. Since the conception of the idea till its culmination into this candid magazine, it has all been an explicitly educating & endearing journey.

We have put in our best efforts, so that YOU enjoy this compilation of your very-own contributions, and find it hilarious when you are gloomy, comforting when stressed, true when in emotions, deep when rational & nostalgic when recollecting your memories.

‘Not what we give, But what we share,
For the gift without the giver, is bare.’

We are highly grateful to Dr. R.K.Aseri Sir, for encouraging our efforts; Dr. V.K.Chawla Sir, for motivating us, Dr. D.S.Choudhary Sir, for giving wings to our dreams; Dr. Jairam Ravtani Sir, for being a constant guide and support to us; Our enthusiastic alumnus, ever-cheering seniors & all  SNMCians, for their eager-to-help attitude, and for contributing their innovative & ingenious pieces. Last but not the least, the merit has to be extended to all our fellow Editorial Board members for being there, working continually on the magazine, to make it a magnificent success.

Hope that you all will enjoy & appreciate every link of this sweat-toiled, hearty effort of ours…

In Gratitude

Telly Jain    
